Meet Janet™

Janet™ is a software program designed by Mission Driven Data to quickly and easily replicate your agency’s data from the Credible Electronic Health Record system, giving you meaningful access to your data.

Janet™ is a software program designed specifically for Credible partners.

Leveraging the existing Credible web services system, Janet™ collects, securely transmits, and organizes an agency’s entire Credible database into a SQL database structure on-premises or in the cloud.

Microsoft Power BI, SQL Server Management Studio, Azure Data Studio, and any other modern reporting tool can be used with the agency’s Credible EHR data once it has been imported and organized by Janet™. Data stored in Janet™ also serves as a backup/disaster recovery solution.

Janet™ users also have access to a wealth of queries and report templates developed by Mission Driven Data and other Janet™ users, including 15 core reports that are installed with Janet™. Core reports include overall services trends, year-over-year analysis, revenue & write-off tracking, a sample caseload report, and other tools.

Janet™ features
Janet Logo
Meet Janet™

Janet™ enhances your agency’s investment in the Credible EHR with a wraparound layer that makes the system more effective.

Features Include:

    • Reporting & Analytics: Use data to understand and improve operations and outcomes with industry-leading Microsoft Power BI dashboards, using Janet’s data replication.
    • Data Integration and Warehousing: Integrate your Credible data with other data sources – payroll, finance, training, survey data, and more, to get a complete picture of your organization, beyond your EHR. Janet gives you an opportunity to store all of your agency’s data in a secure cloud system for reliable backup and access.
    • Notifications and Workflow Optimization: Automate custom alerts for staff, appointment reminders for the individuals you serve, capturing of electronic signatures, and other processes for efficient use of staff time and improved client engagement. 
    • Whole Person Outcomes: The WHO-5 Well-Being Index an easy-to-use, internationally-recognized, strengths-based, person-centered, research-validated tool for measuring well-being. We deliver this survey to your agency’s clients weekly via automatic text messages, and that data is connected to your agency’s Credible data.
Ready to Get Started?

Let us show you what your data can do.

Schedule your free data snapshot today. We can’t wait for you to be inspired by what’s possible!

Presentation w/ Andrew