Our Mission
We bring together curious, mindful, mission-driven leaders in community mental health, to have genuine conversations about our work, foster data literacy, cultivate best practices, and become a force for transformation, so that we can spark interest in answering tough questions, kindle a culture of change, and maximize the good we bring to our communities.

What’s in the Community?
Training resources for SQL and Power BI, specifically geared toward Credible EHR users.
Workshops covering best practices in data tools for behavioral health
Guest Speakers sessions with industry thought leaders
Co-Working Sessions with colleagues and experts.
Other people with a passion!
“What would mental health services look like if we truly believed that there is no health without mental health?”
“What would services for substance use disorders be like if we truly believed in the power of treatment on demand?”
“What would be different if we truly believed that protecting children from trauma was as important as using a seatbelt, putting on sunscreen, and wearing a helmet?”